Monday, April 09, 2007

Wisconsin Seniors Left Behind

I hate when stories like this one are so easily swept under the rug on a national level.

Wisconsin's SeniorCare Program Dropped by Federal Government

With drug costs rising steadily, it's no surprise that more than 105 thousand seniors in Wisconsin depend on the state's SeniorCare prescription drug program.

But, that program has reached an end, as the federal government announced Wednesday Wisconsin can't continue the popular plan.

The Doyle administration received a letter from the federal government saying by June 30th SeniorCare will no longer be federally funded. Those seniors on the program will soon need to switch to Medicare Part D, the federal program, Doyle and several other Wisconsin lawmakers say will mean additional cost and confusion for Wisconsinites.

From the message boards:

Apparently the entire Congressional delegation from Wisconsin asked for an extension on the waiver to this program, which is the only one of its kind still left in the country- but it was denied. There are 104,000 seniors using it-about half will be able to switch to Medicare Part D without too much trouble but there are an estimated 45,000 who are very poor and will have trouble meeting the deductible, not to mention filling out the paperwork.

I think this was the last state program of its kind to be cut, so maybe it was inevitable-the Feds are just not going to pay for anything related to health care. Fortunately, a lot of State legislators who care about this issue, but without any Federal backing, its pretty expensive.

It appears several town hall meetings are scheduled re: the issue.
Stay tuned to for further developments.

In other news, we have snow flurries and 32 degree weather in Chicago this morning.
Ha! Try playing in that Cubbies!

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