My city view is disappearing, and so am I. I'm always wondering if I'll be in one place long enough to have memories. Real memories: the kind that feel more like history. Remembering what blouse I wore last Friday night v. remembering your child's first recital dress. I look around State St. and absorb the history, but besides the Forever 21 addition and a horde of Starbucks, I've really seen no change. (Okay, Marshall Fields and Carson's ARE gone.)
*More and more, I'm realizing how much I want a family some day. Not that I can't appreciate my own personal growth, but who wants to discover it all alone?
Click here for some of the physical changes this city has seen.
*My fever just topped 101 degrees. I am a sick, sick woman. Anything stated in this post may not be used against me at a later date when I am well and fully aware I lack maternal skills.
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