I'm not sure if Katie Couric is looking out for her dwindling ratings or for her own political gain here, but this just plain sickened me. I've always been asked what my problem with Couric was, here's a prime example: They give her the first sole anchor woman position at the CBS news desk and she goes on to ask questions like these. (During exclusive 60 mins. interview.) Beyond the obvious insensitivity, this is just BAD journalism.
Just a small dose of the transcript:
Katie Couric: ...And I think some people wondered if you were in denial, if you were being realistic about what you were going to be facing here.
Elizabeth Edwards: I... I... I... I think that it is our intention to deny cancer any control over us....
Katie Couric: Here you're staring at possible death...
Elizabeth Edwards: Aren't we all though.
Katie Couric: And you're thinking, "I don't want to deprive the country of having my husband lead us."
Elizabeth Edwards: That would be my legacy wouldn't it, Katie. That I'd... that I'd... that I'd... that I'd taken out this fine man from the possibility of giving a great service. I mean, I don't want that to be my legacy.
Katie Couric: Politics, as you know, can be a cynical business.
Katie Couric: Some people watching this would say, "I would put my family first always, and my job second." And you're doing the exact opposite. You're putting your work first, and your family second.
John Edwards: But this is not work. Work is what I did as a lawyer. This is service. This is... this is a country that I love – both of us love, as much as we love our lives.
Katie Couric: I guess some people would say that there's some middle ground. You don't have to necessarily stay at home and feel sorry for yourself, and do nothing. But, if given a finite – a possibly finite period of time on the planet – being on the campaign trail, away from my children, a lot of time, and sort of pursuing this goal, is not, necessarily, what I'd do.
*Edited portion of the interview:
Does anyone have full lengeth yet?